DE-RISK aims at  supporting  the  market  uptake  of  renewable  energy  systems  by  fostering  the  adoption  of  LFMs  and  unlocking  up  to  100GW  of  flexibility  in  2030  which  will  allow  a  safe  and  reliable  integration  of  RES  in  the  grid.  DE-RISK will achieve this  ambitious  objective  by  minimizing  the  investments  and  implementation  risk  through  an  innovative  customer  behavior  change  journey  that  will  increase  end  users’  trust  and  willingness  to  participate  in  the  flexibility  markets.

DE-RISK has started in October 2022 and will be completed in September 2025.

DE-RISK Integrates Building, Citizen and Grids Digital Twins!

DE-RISK integrates building, citizen  and  grids  digital  twins  in  its  flexibility  platform  capable  of  reducing  the  gap  between  simulation  and  real  implementation  thus  mitigating  potential  technical  risks  during  deployment  and  operational  phase.  To  maximize  DE-RISK  impact,  innovative  multi-sided  business  models  will  be  developed  ensuring  multi-benefits,  fairness  and  sustainability  for  all  actors  while  disruptive  financial  schemes  will  be  validated  for  democratizing  the  access  to  sustainable  investments.  Finally, a  set  of experts will develop regulatory recommendations to support a fair, clear and transparent adoption of LFMs.


DE-RISK overcomes the above challenges by de-risking  the  adoption  of  local  flexibility  markets  to  unlock  the  full  demand  response potential and therefore supporting the market uptake of renewable energy systems. DE-RISK aims at:

The local flexibility market helps customers better manage network capacity by allowing them to change when and how much electricity they use or how much electricity they produce. Local flexibility markets increase the efficiency and resilience of the local electricity grid.

LFM provides an opportunity for consumers to play a significant role in the operation of the electric grid by reducing or shifting their electricity usage in response to time-based rates or other forms of financial incentives. DR programs are currently being used by some electric system planners and operators, using mainly the flexibility provided by large industrial facilities connected to the high-voltage grid, as resource options for balancing supply and demand. Therefore, the new challenge is to unlock the very high potential of the local flexibility markets in the distribution grid where the main sources of flexibility are residential and tertiary buildings, representing 70% of the total DR potential.

Renewable energy is a type of energy that is continuously or periodically accessed and obtained from natural resources. The most prominent feature of renewable energy is that it is sustainable. It is obtained from natural sources such as sun, wind, biomass, geothermal, wave energy.

Due to the increasing population and changing consumption habits, the world is facing more and more energy needs day by day. Fossil fuels are the largest energy sources currently used. The fact that fossil fuels are non-renewable and the damage they cause to nature brings with it huge problems.